HTML Banner


An HTML banner is a web-based advertisement created using HTML code and displayed on a website.


An HTML banner is a type of web-based advertisement that is created using HTML code. It can contain various media such as images, videos, or animations and may include interactive elements such as buttons or forms.

html banner example

HTML banners are typically displayed on websites or within email marketing campaigns and can be designed to fit different sizes and formats.

In addition, they can be static or animated and programmed to display or interact with users in specific ways, such as redirecting them to a landing page or prompting them to take a specific action.

Overall, HTML banners offer a flexible and dynamic way for advertisers to promote their products or services online.

Importance of HTML Banner

HTML banners are important for several reasons:

  1. Cost-effective: HTML banners are typically less expensive to produce than other forms of advertising, such as television or print ads. This makes them an ideal option for businesses with limited budgets.
  2. Reach: HTML banners can be displayed on various websites, making them a powerful tool for reaching large audiences.
  3. Customization: HTML banners can be customised to fit different sizes and formats, making them adaptable to various advertising platforms and devices.
  4. Interactive elements: HTML banners can include interactive elements such as buttons or forms, allowing advertisers to engage with their target audience more meaningfully.
  5. Measurable: HTML banners can be easily tracked and analysed, providing advertisers with valuable data on their advertising campaigns’ performance.

How to create an HTML Banner?

To create an HTML banner, follow these steps:

  1. Define the banner size and format: Determine your banner’s size and format based on the platform’s requirements where it will be displayed. Standard sizes include 300×250 pixels, 728×90 pixels, and 160×600 pixels.
  2. Design the banner: Use graphic design software such as Adobe Photoshop or Illustrator to design the visual elements of your banner. Include a clear and compelling call to action and ensure the banner is visually appealing and on-brand.
  3. Write the HTML and CSS code: Use a text editor or specialised HTML editor to write your banner’s HTML and CSS code. This code will determine your banner’s layout, style, and behaviour.
  4. Add images and animation: Use image editing software to optimise your ideas for the web and incorporate any animation or interactive elements into your banner using JavaScript.
  5. Test and optimise: your banner on different devices and browsers to ensure it displays correctly and functions as intended. Use A/B testing to optimise your banner’s design and messaging to maximise its effectiveness.

Things to keep in mind while designing HTML

When designing an HTML banner, there are several essential things to keep in mind:

  1. Keep it simple: The banner should be visually appealing but not cluttered. Use a clear and concise message with a simple design to ensure that your message is conveyed effectively.
  2. Use a clear call-to-action: The banner should have a clear and compelling call-to-action that encourages users to take a specific action.
  3. Optimise for size and load time: Ensure the banner file size is optimised for quick loading times. Large file sizes can slow down the load time, which may cause users to abandon the page.
  4. Be on-brand: The banner should reflect your brand’s visual identity, including colours, fonts, and imagery.
  5. Use high-quality images: Use high-quality images optimised for web use to ensure they are visually appealing and not pixelated.
  6. Be mindful of placement: The banner should be placed in a prominent location on the page where it is most likely to be seen by your target audience.
  7. Be mobile-friendly: Ensure that the banner is designed to be mobile-friendly, as more and more users are accessing the internet on their mobile devices.

Future prospect for HTML Banner

  1. Mobile-first approach: As more and more users access the internet on their mobile devices, HTML banners are becoming increasingly important for reaching these audiences. Advertisers are now designing banners specifically for mobile devices, incorporating responsive design and mobile-specific features.
  2. Interactive elements: HTML banners are becoming more interactive, with advertisers using animation, video, and interactive features such as quizzes, games, and surveys to engage users and increase their likelihood of clicking on the banner.
  3. Programmatic advertising: Programmatic advertising, which uses automated algorithms to purchase and place advertising, is rising. HTML banners are a popular format for programmatic advertising, as they are easy to customise and can be targeted to specific audiences.
  4. New technologies: Advancements in technology such as augmented reality, virtual reality, and 360-degree video are opening up new possibilities for HTML banner design and interactivity.
  5. Data analytics: HTML banners are highly measurable, and advancements in data analytics provide advertisers with more sophisticated ways of tracking and analysing the effectiveness of their campaigns.


One Indian brand that has used HTML banners in its digital advertising is Flipkart, one of the country’s leading e-commerce platforms.

Flipkart has used HTML banners to promote various products and sales on its website and app, including during major shopping events such as its Big Billion Days sale.

flipkart html banner

Flipkart has used HTML banners to promote its mobile app, offering discounts and other incentives for users who download and use the app.

The banners are designed to be visually appealing and mobile-friendly, with a clear call to action encouraging users to download the app.

Flipkart has also used HTML banners to promote specific product categories such as electronics, fashion, and home appliances. These banners typically feature high-quality images and a clear message about the products.

In addition, a call-to-action encourages users to click through to the relevant product pages.

Flipkart’s use of HTML banners has been an effective way to promote its products and drive sales on its platform, demonstrating the potential of this format for digital advertising in India.


What is an HTML banner?

An HTML banner is a type of digital banner ad that is created using HTML code. It can include a combination of text, images, and interactive elements and can be designed to be mobile-friendly and responsive.

How do I create an HTML banner?

To create an HTML banner, you must have a basic understanding of HTML and CSS code. However, various online tools and software programs can help you design and create HTML banners without writing code from scratch.

What are the standard sizes for HTML banners?

The standard sizes for HTML banners vary depending on the platform and the ad placement. Some standard sizes include 300×250, 728×90, and 160×600 pixels.

How do I make my HTML banner mobile-friendly?

To make your HTML banner mobile-friendly, you must ensure that it is designed to be responsive, meaning that it can adjust to different screen sizes and orientations. You should also optimise the banner for load time, as mobile users are often more sensitive to slow loading times.

How do I track the performance of my HTML banner?

You can track your HTML banner’s performance using various analytics tools, such as Google Analytics. These tools can provide insights into metrics such as impressions, clicks, and conversions, allowing you to optimise your banner for maximum effectiveness.

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