Myntra’s Marketing Strategies – Case Study 2024 [PDF]


In this article, we will learn about the marketing strategy used by India’s leading E-commerce fashion brand – Myntra.

So, let’s dive into your ultimate Myntra Case Study 2024.

Myntra is a fashion e-commerce powerhouse of India. Acquired by Flipkart, it boasts a vast selection of clothing, footwear, accessories, and beauty products, catering to diverse styles and budgets. 

As a user-friendly app, it provides convenience to its users, personalized recommendations, and access to numerous brands. The brand keeps up its competition storing trendy styles, competitive pricing, frequent sales, and hassle-free returns. It brings back customers for shopping.

Facing competition from Amazon, Ajio, and Nykaa Fashion, Myntra continues to evolve, offering a seamless shopping experience that caters to the fashion needs of modern India.

For the brand, Innovation is key. It has adopted features like virtual try-on and AI-backed recommendations to please customers. 

Myntra Origin

Co-Founder Of Myntra: Mukesh Bansal

Myntra: From Personalized Gifts to Fashion E-commerce Leader (Updated 2024)

Founded in 2007 in Bengaluru by Mukesh Bansal, Ashutosh Lawania, and Vineet Saxena, Myntra started by offering personalized gift items. Recognizing a shift in consumer behavior, they pivoted to online apparel retailing in 2010.

Timeline Key Events & Strategies Challenges & Responses Marketing Highlights
Early Days (2007-2010) – Founded as personalized gifting platform (2007) – Trust concerns – Limited internet access – Secure payments, hassle-free returns, curated offerings
– Pivot to online apparel retail (2008) – Email marketing, targeted ads (convenience & value)
Growth Phase (2010-2015) – Flipkart acquisition (2014) – Brand partnerships (Levis, Nike)
– Product category expansion (footwear, beauty, accessories) – Celebrity endorsements (Deepika Padukone)
– Diversified customer base beyond early adopters – Social media campaigns (Facebook, Twitter, influencers)
– Early mobile app launch – Evolving user behavior
Domination & Innovation (2015-Present) – Competitive edge against Amazon & others
– Virtual try-on technology – Myntra Sustainability Report, Economic Times
– Curated recommendations based on user data
– Sustainability initiatives (“Myntra Circular”)
– AI for personalized recommendations & styling
– Dynamic pricing & inventory management
– Live commerce events with influencers & celebrities
– Omnichannel “M2 Serve” stores
– Intense competition
– Evolving customer preferences (sustainability, ethics)
– Profitability & competitive pricing
Future Outlook – Analyze Myntra’s potential future strategies


myntra fashion carnival

Starting from a small apartment with three employees, Myntra has certainly grown, but today’s employee count exceeds 10,000.

Myntra’s success is attributed to multiple factors, including – 

  • Its user-friendly online platform
  • Diverse product selection
  • Commitment to convenience. 


Notably, its innovative marketing strategies, often leveraging social media and influencer partnerships, have also played a key role in building brand awareness and engagement. 

Myntra’s Marketing Strategies are based on – 

Below are some strategies that myntra used for their marketing: 

1. Evolving Brand Identity:

evolving brand identity

 From One-Stop Shop to Personalized Fashion Destination – 

Myntra now offers services of virtual try on to their customers. Below are some of the benefits that myntra’s customers experience:

  • Increased Purchase Confidence: With virtual try-on, customers can see how clothes will look on them without physically trying them on, reducing doubts and leading to more confident purchases.
  • Improved Fit and Style Decisions: By virtually trying on different sizes and styles, customers can find clothes that fit and flatter their body shape, reducing returns and increasing satisfaction.
  • Enhanced Shopping Experience: Virtual try-ons bring a fun and interactive element to online shopping, making it more engaging and enjoyable for customers.
  • Time-Saving Convenience: Trying on clothes virtually saves time compared to physically visiting a store and trying them on, which is especially beneficial for busy people.
  • Accessibility for Everyone: Virtual try-on eliminates barriers for people with limited mobility or who are hesitant to try on clothes in physical stores.

2. Strategic Discounts and Promotions: 

Strategic Discounts and Promotions

Beyond Mere Price Cuts – 

While discounts remain important, Myntra utilizes them strategically. Targeted offers, curated deals based on individual preferences, and seasonal promotions create a value-driven approach instead of relying solely on deep discounts.

3. Personalization at its Core: 

Personalization at its Core

Beyond Preferences, Understanding Aspirations – 

Myntra’s “Style Dashboard” is just one element. They leverage data to understand user aspirations and curate experiences accordingly. Influencer partnerships, interactive live commerce events, and social media engagement further personalize the shopping journey.

4. Customer-Centricity Redefined: 

Customer-Centricity Redefined

Seamless Convenience and Proactive Support – 

Myntra goes beyond call centers. “M2 Serve” stores offer in-person styling consultations, seamless online-offline integration, and proactive customer support through chatbots and AI-powered solutions.

5. Innovation as a Cornerstone: 

Embracing Emerging Technologies – 

Innovation as a Cornerstone 

Myntra actively explores technologies like metaverse shopping and augmented reality to further personalize the shopping experience and foster engagement. This commitment to innovation sets them apart.

6. Sustainability Matters: 

Building a Conscious Brand Image – 

Myntra actively invests in sustainable practices through initiatives like “Myntra Circular” (pre-owned clothing) and partnerships with eco-conscious brands. This resonates with growing customer preference for responsible fashion.

7. Community Building: 

Community Building

Engaging Beyond Transactions –

Myntra leverages social media platforms, user-generated content campaigns, and influencer partnerships to create a sense of community and belonging amongst fashion enthusiasts. This fosters brand loyalty and drives engagement.

Demographic Profile of Myntra’s Target Audience

Demographic Profile of Myntra's Target Audience

While Myntra originally targeted young, fashion-conscious individuals aged 18-34, their audience has significantly diversified. Their customer base isn’t predominantly male anymore, with a more balanced distribution of 52% male and 48% female (as of 2023). This reflects their expansion beyond urban areas and into regions with varying income levels.

But what unites them isn’t just age or location. Myntra’s audience is passionate about fashion, seeking trendy & unique pieces beyond traditional retail. They value convenience and variety, making Myntra a go-to platform for professionals, students, and even teenagers across India.

So, forget the stereotype of just young men shopping at Myntra. They cater to a diverse community united by their love for fashion and a desire for a personalized, convenient shopping experience. This includes offering unique products, seamless online-offline integration, and even influencer partnerships to create a more connected shopping journey.

Myntra’s Digital Marketing Strategies

Myntra’s Digital Marketing Strategies

Myntra’s journey from a young fashion platform to a leading e-commerce powerhouse wouldn’t be possible without their sophisticated digital marketing strategies. Let’s delve into their key tactics and explore how they’ve evolved in 2024:

1. Content Marketing: Curating, Collaborating, and Going Beyond Fashion

Content Marketing: Curating, Collaborating, and Going Beyond Fashion

While Myntra’s blog remains active, they’ve expanded their content strategy. Their focus has shifted from solely sharing fashion trends to **creating **diverse, user-centric content. They leverage partnerships with micro-influencers and established content creators to offer fashion tips, styling guides, and even explore trending lifestyle topics. This broader approach strengthens their connection with various segments of their audience.

2. Social Media Marketing: Engaging Communities and Leveraging Emerging Trends

Social Media Marketing: Engaging Communities and Leveraging Emerging Trends

Myntra remains active across major platforms, but their approach focuses on fostering community engagement. Interactive campaigns like quizzes, polls, and live shopping sessions encourage deeper connections. They also actively incorporate short-form video content like TikTok and Instagram Reels to cater to shrinking attention spans. Partnering with relevant micro-influencers further amplifies their reach and resonates with specific audience segments.

3. Search Engine Optimization: A Data-Driven Approach to Visibility

Search Engine Optimization: A Data-Driven Approach to Visibility

Myntra continues to prioritize SEO, but their approach has become more data-driven. They utilize advanced analytics tools to identify high-value keywords and optimize content accordingly. Additionally, they focus on structured data markup and technical SEO improvements to enhance search engine visibility and user experience.

4. Paid Advertising: Strategic Targeting and Personalization

Paid Advertising: Strategic Targeting and Personalization

While still utilizing PPC and display advertising, Myntra emphasizes retargeting and programmatic advertising to reach individuals who have previously interacted with their brand. They leverage customer data and AI to personalize ad experiences, showcasing relevant products and offers that resonate with individual preferences.

5. Email Marketing: Beyond Promotions, Building Relationships

Email Marketing: Beyond Promotions, Building Relationships

Source: Myntra Email Marketing

Myntra’s email marketing goes beyond transactional messages. They employ segmentation and personalization to tailor content based on individual preferences and purchase history. 

Engaging newsletter content focuses on inspiring fashion choices, showcasing styling tips, and building brand loyalty. They also explore interactive elements like polls and surveys to further understand customer preferences.

6. Affiliate Marketing: Expanding Reach with Authenticity

Affiliate Marketing: Expanding Reach with Authenticity

Myntra continues to collaborate with a diverse range of affiliate partners, including micro-influencers and content creators who align with their brand values. However, they’ve shifted towards fostering long-term collaborations built on trust and authenticity. This ensures content resonates with audiences and effectively drives targeted traffic.

Beyond the Tactics: Insights and Trends

Myntra Insights and Trends

Personalization: Myntra prioritizes personalization across all touchpoints, leveraging data and AI to create unique customer experiences.

Community Building: Engaging communities through interactive content and influencer partnerships foster brand loyalty and drive organic reach.

Emerging Technologies: Exploring innovations like AR/VR experiences and metaverse shopping positions Myntra at the forefront of the e-commerce landscape.

Sustainability: Integrating sustainable practices and partnerships aligns with customer values and strengthens brand image.

Myntra Social Media Marketing Strategy Case Study (2024)

Myntra Social Media Marketing Strategy Case Study (2024)

Myntra’s dynamic digital marketing strategy goes well beyond basic tactics. They continue to be a trendsetter in India’s e-commerce industry by embracing personalization, community building, and innovation, setting the standard for customer engagement and brand success.

In the ever-changing landscape of online fashion, Myntra remains a leader, thanks in part to its strong social media presence. Let’s look at key aspects of their strategy and see what we can learn.

1. Visual Content with an AI Edge.

Visual Content with an AI Edge

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Myntra understands the importance of visuals. Aside from high-quality photos and videos, they’ve added AI-powered features like virtual try-ons, which immerse users in the shopping experience. They also use shoppable posts and Instagram Reels to dynamically display products.

2. Empowering User-Generated Content (UGC):

Empowering User-Generated Content (UGC)

Myntra actively promotes user-generated content (UGC) through influencer partnerships, hashtag contests, and dedicated platforms such as “#MyMyntraLook.” This authentic customer content fosters trust and increases engagement.

3. Gamified Experiences and LiveStreaming:

Myntra goes beyond static campaigns by incorporating interactive elements such as quizzes, polls, and augmented reality filters to keep users engaged. Livestreaming with influencers provides a dynamic shopping experience and encourages direct interaction.

4. Personalisation and Community Building:

Myntra uses data to provide personalized recommendations and targeted advertisements. They also promote community spirit through online groups and loyalty programs, resulting in higher customer retention and brand loyalty.

5. Customer Service in the Social Space:

Myntra actively responds to customer concerns via social media, providing prompt and efficient responses. This transparency and accessibility fosters trust and a positive brand perception.

Beyond the basics:

  • Social Commerce: Myntra seamlessly combines social media and shopping, allowing users to buy directly from posts.
  • Leveraging Micro-Influencers: They interact with relevant micro-influencers to reach niche audiences and establish deeper connections.
  • Sustainability Initiatives: Myntra promotes environmentally friendly practices and collaborates with sustainable brands to align with consumer values.


Myntra’s Facebook Marketing Strategies 2024

Myntra's Facebook Marketing Strategies 2024

Myntra’s social media strategy remains effective as it adjusts to changing user behavior and trends. In the competitive online fashion industry, they continue to connect with customers and drive sales by emphasizing engaging content, personalization, and community building.

While Myntra’s initial Facebook strategies were solid, the landscape has changed dramatically since 2016. 

Let’s take a look at their current approach and glean useful insights for today’s marketers:

Beyond fan bases: Creating Communities

While attracting followers is still important, Myntra has gone beyond mere numbers. They are dedicated to building communities based on shared fashion interests and passions. This includes creating niche groups, hosting interactive discussions, and working with relevant micro-influencers to increase engagement.

Content Evolution: Personalisation and Interactivity

Static product promotions are no longer relevant. Myntra prioritizes dynamic, personalized content based on user preferences and purchasing history. They use shoppable posts, interactive polls, and augmented reality filters to provide immersive shopping experiences. Livestreaming with style experts and user-generated content (UGC) campaigns increase audience engagement.

Sales strategies adapt to evolving platforms.

Sales strategies adapt to evolving platforms

While Facebook ads continue to play a role, Myntra employs multi-channel strategies that extend beyond Facebook. They look into platforms like Instagram Reels and TikTok to reach younger audiences and drive traffic through seamless social commerce integration. Additionally, personalization in ad targeting ensures relevant product recommendations, which increases conversion rates.

Building Beyond Numbers: Metrics that Matter

Myntra measures more than just sales and traffic. They conduct sentiment analysis to assess brand perception and customer service responsiveness in order to ensure positive brand experiences. This data-driven approach enables them to fine-tune their strategy and stay ahead of trends.

Key Lessons for Marketers:

  • Community building fosters long-lasting connections.
  • Content must be personalized, interactive, and relevant.
  • A multichannel approach with platform-specific strategies is essential.
  • Go beyond basic metrics to uncover deeper insights.

Myntra’s Twitter Marketing Strategies: A 2024 Refresh

Myntra's Twitter Marketing Strategies: A 2024 Refresh

While Myntra’s previous Twitter activity paved the way, the platform and user expectations have evolved. Here’s an updated look at their current strategy and what you can learn:

Beyond Engaging Customers: Building Communities.

Beyond Engaging Customers: Building Communities

Myntra goes beyond basic customer service by fostering Twitter communities focused on fashion trends, influencer interactions, and even user-generated content (UGC) contests. This promotes deeper engagement and brand loyalty beyond transactional interactions.

Promoting products with a twist:

Beyond Engaging Customers: Building Communities

Product promotions are still available, but they are personalized and interactive. Myntra enhances the shopping experience with shoppable tweets, product polls, and augmented reality try-on features. They also use trending hashtags and relevant fashion conversations to organically reach potential customers.

Building Buzz Beyond Brand Awareness:

Myntra aims to spark cultural conversations rather than just brand recognition. They collaborate with relevant Twitter personalities to host discussions, polls, and live Q&As, resulting in buzz and brand association with current trends. Furthermore, they actively participate in trending topics related to fashion and social issues, establishing themselves as thought leaders.

Lead Generation: Redefined

Myntra does more than just push sales. They use Twitter to gain valuable customer insights. This includes conducting interactive polls and surveys within the community to better understand preferences and pain points in order to tailor their offerings and future campaigns.

Key takeaways for marketers:

  • Community building encourages deeper connections and engagement.
  • Go beyond promotion and create interactive, personalized experiences.
  • Join trending conversations and collaborate with relevant influencers.
  • Collect valuable customer feedback to improve your approach.

Myntra’s Instagram Marketing Strategy: A 2024 Update

Myntra's Instagram Marketing Strategy: A 2024 Update

While the core principles of content, engagement, and community remain unchanged, Myntra’s Instagram strategy has evolved to keep up with shifting trends and user preferences. Here’s a fresh perspective on their approach and what you can learn:

Content Beyond the Standard: Visual storytelling and Immersive Experiences

Myntra continues to use high-quality visuals, but they’ve moved beyond product photos. Engaging Reels, shoppable posts, and AR try-on features give users an interactive and immersive experience. They also emphasize lifestyle content, showcasing fashion in real-world settings and collaborating with a diverse range of content creators to broaden their appeal.

Engagement Evolves: Micro-interactions and Personalized Connections

While responding to comments is still important, Myntra also employs interactive elements such as polls, quizzes, and Q&A sessions to generate micro-interactions throughout their content. They use data and personalization tools to create personalised feed experiences, displaying relevant products and promotions to each user.

Community Focuses on Authenticity and Shared Values:

Myntra fosters a sense of community that extends beyond follower counts. They actively participate in user-generated content (UGC), which features real people wearing Myntra styles. They also collaborate with micro-influencers and creators who care about sustainability in order to reach out to specific audiences and promote common values.

Key takeaways for marketers:

  • Go beyond static visuals to create immersive and interactive experiences.
  • Personalize content and interactions according to user preferences.
  • Create a community based on shared values and authentic connections.
  • Collaborate with a variety of creators who share your target audience’s interests.

Myntra’s SEO Strategy 2024

Myntra's SEO Strategy 2024

Myntra is the fashion leader in India’s thriving e-commerce market, thanks to a stellar SEO strategy. Let’s break down its key components and learn valuable optimization strategies for your own businesses:

Keyword Dominance:

Myntra Keyword Dominance

Myntra prioritizes in-depth keyword research with a dedicated team, resulting in a massive 2.17 million organic keywords and a 16.2% brand-name traffic share. This meticulous approach leads to significant organic traffic acquisition.

On-page Optimization Mastery:

Myntra On-page Optimization Mastery

Their website structure is meticulously organized, with relevant product pages catering to specific keywords. This creates an environment conducive to search engine crawlers and ranking algorithms.

Backlink Powerhouse:

With 5.1 million backlinks from high-authority websites, Myntra uses strategic link building to solidify its domain authority of 67, resulting in impressive search engine rankings.

Learn from the Leader:

  • Invest in dedicated keyword research. Understand your target audience’s search intent and optimize accordingly.
  • Prioritize a user-friendly website structure. Ensure that the navigation is clear and that the product categories are relevant.
  • Create high-quality backlinks: Concentrate on partnerships, guest blogging, and industry engagement.
  • Constantly adapt and experiment. Stay on top of SEO trends and rigorously monitor performance.

Beyond the Basics: Differentiating Factors.

  • Personalized Content: Myntra uses dynamic content and recommendations based on user data to increase relevance and engagement.
  • Visual Storytelling: High-quality product images, interactive elements, and engaging videos contribute to a superior user experience.
  • Localized Approach: Catering to regional languages and cultural nuances further expands reach and customer satisfaction.
  • Mobile-First Focus: Seamless mobile optimization ensures a frictionless experience for the majority of Indian internet users.

Your Optimization Roadmap:

  • Analyze your current SEO performance: Identify strengths and weaknesses using tools like Google Search Console and SEMrush.
  • Develop a data-driven keyword strategy: Research relevant terms with high search volume and low competition.
  • Optimize your website structure and content: Ensure clarity, relevance, and technical SEO best practices.
  • Build high-quality backlinks: Focus on industry collaborations, guest blogging, and directory submissions.
  • Stay updated on SEO trends: Implement evolving strategies like voice search optimization and mobile-first indexing.

By following Myntra’s winning formula and tailoring it to your specific niche, you can significantly improve your SEO performance and gain a competitive edge in the online marketplace. Remember, continuous optimization and adaptation are key to long-term success!

Learning from Myntra’s Digital Marketing Campaigns: A 2024 Update

Myntra has consistently pushed the boundaries of digital marketing, earning praise for its innovative and engaging campaigns. Let’s revisit two examples and extract lessons relevant for today’s landscape:

1. The Big Fashion Gig (2015): Influencer Power and Collaborative Content

Myntra big fashion 2015

Source: Myntra’s “Big Fashion Gig 2015”

  • Key elements: Partnered with celebrities and fashion bloggers to create video content promoting online fashion shopping.
  • Learning: The power of influencer marketing and user-generated content (UGC) to build trust and reach new audiences.
  • Modern adaptation: Collaborate with diverse micro-influencers and encourage UGC creation through interactive contests and hashtag challenges.

2. End of Reason Sale (2016): Gamification and Social Media Buzz

Myntra end of reason sale

  • Key elements: Exclusive collection curated by celebrities, discounts, scheduled events, and social media engagement.
  • Learning: Gamification, limited-time offers, and celebrity partnerships drive excitement and sales.
  • Modern adaptation: Integrate AR/VR try-on features, personalize offers based on customer data, and partner with relevant fashion and lifestyle influencers.

Beyond the Campaigns: Core Strategies

  • Personalization: Myntra leverages data and machine learning to deliver personalized product recommendations and offers.
  • Community Building: They’ve fostered online communities on platforms like Myntra Studio and social media, encouraging user interaction and brand loyalty.
  • Omnichannel Experience: Myntra seamlessly integrates online and offline experiences through store collaborations and click-and-collect options.
  • Social Commerce: Shoppable posts and integrated payment options make buying directly from social media platforms effortless.

Key Takeaways for Marketers:

  • Focus on audience engagement and community building.
  • Personalize your approach across all touchpoints.
  • Leverage the power of influencers and user-generated content.
  • Integrate gamification and interactive elements.
  • Create a seamless omnichannel experience.

3. Myntra EORS Campaign Insights: A 2024 Refresh

While the overall analysis of the Myntra EORS campaign is still relevant, let’s update it for 2024, highlighting key takeaways and adapting them to current trends:

1. Beyond Discounts: Value and Experience.

While sales increase foot traffic, prioritize value propositions over deep discounts. Enhance the shopping experience by offering curated collections, personalized recommendations, and influencer partnerships.

2. Multi-Channel Marketing in the Mobile First World

Move beyond online and offline marketing. Accept social media commerce, influencer marketing, and interactive campaigns geared toward mobile users. Use platforms such as Instagram Reels and TikTok to expand your reach.

3. Website Optimization for Maximum Performance

Invest in a strong infrastructure and stress testing to handle high traffic volumes. Use cloud-based solutions and scalable architecture to ensure website stability and a seamless user experience.

4. Proactive Customer Service with Omnichannel Support

Provide omnichannel customer service using AI chatbots, social media support, and easily accessible live chat options. To build trust and satisfaction, provide prompt responses and personalized solutions.

5. Logistics Agility and Transparency.

Partner with reputable logistics companies that provide real-time tracking and flexible delivery options. Proactively communicate potential delays to customers and maintain clear lines of communication.

6. Easy returns and refunds

Streamline the return and refund process by providing user-friendly options and clear communications. Consider automation, self-service portals, and flexible return windows to reduce friction.

7. Use customer data for personalization.

Use customer data in an ethical and responsible manner to personalize product recommendations, offers, and communications. Provide clear data privacy policies and empower customers to manage their own data.

8. Post-Sale Engagement: Increasing Loyalty

Retain customers after the sale. Provide exclusive offers, rewards programs, and personalized content. Use post-purchase follow-up and feedback mechanisms to help improve future campaigns.

9. Teamwork and Collaboration.

Create a collaborative culture within the organization to ensure seamless communication and alignment among the marketing, logistics, customer service, and technology teams.

10. Platform Evolution: Mobile First and Beyond.

Invest in a mobile-first approach that optimizes the shopping experience across all devices. Stay up to date on emerging technologies such as AR/VR, personalized shopping assistants, and voice commerce so that you can adapt and provide innovative experiences.

Remember, constantly analyze competitor strategies, industry trends, and customer feedback to refine your approach and stay ahead of the curve. By optimizing your EORS campaign based on these insights, you can replicate Myntra’s success and capture a larger share of the online fashion market.

4. Myntra’s #BeUnskippable Campaign: More Than Just Mobile (A 2024 Update)

Myntra's #BeUnskippable Campaign

While focusing on mobile remains critical, let’s revisit Myntra’s #BeUnskippable campaign with a 2024 lens and extract broader learnings:

Beyond Mobile First: Embracing Multi-Platform Engagement

While mobile dominance persists, brands such as Myntra must engage audiences across platforms seamlessly. Consider trend-driven campaigns using Instagram Reels, TikTok, and other mobile-first platforms.

More than just unskippable. Engaging and personalized content.

Today’s audience expects compelling storytelling rather than forced attention. Create ads that are relevant to viewers’ motivations and preferences using data-driven targeting and personalized messaging.

Metrics Beyond View-Through Rate: Measuring the True Impact

Focus on metrics that show actual engagement and conversion, such as click-through rates, app downloads, and purchase intent. Data analytics can help you refine your ad strategy and accurately measure ROI.

  • Beyond Short Advertisements: Exploring Diverse Creative Formats
  • While concise content is useful, try out different formats such as interactive ads, influencer collaborations, and shoppable videos to capture attention and drive action.
  • Learning Beyond Campaign Performance: Adapting to Emerging Trends
  • Investigate how user behavior and platform landscapes are evolving. Adjust your strategy to reflect emerging trends such as augmented reality try-on features, voice search optimization, and social commerce integration.

Key takeaways:

  • Move from “mobile-first” to multi-platform engagement.
  • Prioritize engaging and personalized content over just “unskippable” formats.
  • To measure impact, focus on conversion metrics.
  • To capture attention, experiment with a variety of creative formats.
  • Constantly adapt and learn from changing trends.




Over the last decade, India’s online retail sector has grown dramatically, with Myntra emerging as a key player since its inception in 2007. Myntra, known for its diverse fashion offerings, has successfully captivated customers and increased sales, cementing its position as the country’s leading online shopping destination. 


Myntra is one of India’s most popular online shopping destinations, thanks to its large customer base.

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