


A schema on a website is a structured data markup language used to help search engines understand the content and context of the website.


It is important to improve website’s ranking and visibility by displaying rich snippets in search results. 

It is added to the HTML code of a webpage using a specific set of tags and properties that define the type of content being marked up, such as articles, products, events, or reviews. For example, it can include the title, author, date, image, rating, and content price, among other details.

For example, if a website has a page about a product, it can provide information about the name, brand, model, colour, size, price, and availability of the product. This information can help search engines display rich snippets in search results, such as product images, reviews, and prices, which can increase the click-through rate and engagement of the website.

It can also be used for local businesses, events, recipes, and other types of content. By using it on a website, businesses can improve their online visibility, increase website traffic, and provide a better user experience for their audience.


Importance of Schema


  • Helps search engines understand the content and context of a website
  • Increases website visibility in search engine results
  • Enhances search engine ranking and click-through rates
  • Provides additional information to search engines about the website content, such as product pricing, availability, reviews, and ratings
  • Improves user experience by providing rich snippets in search results, such as images and descriptions
  • Helps to target specific audiences by providing more precise information about the website content
  • It can be used for different types of content, such as articles, events, products, and reviews
  • Increases website traffic and engagement by providing relevant and useful information to users
  • Enables websites to stand out in search engine results and differentiate from competitors

How to build Schema?


  1. Understand the content of your website: Before creating it, it is important to understand the content and structure of your website.
  2. Identify the most important content: Focus on the most important content on your website, such as products, events, articles, or reviews.
  3. Use it for different content types: Use it for different types of content, such as articles, events, products, and reviews.
  4. Use the correct markup: Use the correct one for the content type, such as Article schema for articles, Product schema for products, or Event schema for events.
  5. Include all relevant information: Include all relevant information about the content, such as title, description, author, date, image, price, and ratings.
  6. Use structured data testing tool: Use a structured data testing tool to check if the markup is correct and follows the guidelines of the search engines.
  7. Keep the markup updated: Keep it updated with the latest information and changes to the website content.
  8. Use a plugin or extension: Use a plugin or extension, such as Yoast SEO or Google Structured Data Markup Helper, to help create and manage it on your website.


Top 7 Tools for Schema Testing


  1. Google Structured Data Markup Helper: A free tool from Google that helps to create structured data markup for different types of content, such as events, products, and reviews.
  2. A website that provides a library of schemas for different types of content, including articles, events, products, and reviews.
  3. Yoast SEO: A popular SEO plugin for WordPress that includes markup features to help create and manage markup on a website.
  4. Bing Markup Validator: A tool from Bing that checks the validity of it on a website.
  5. JSON-LD Playground: A free tool that helps to test and validate JSON-LD code.
  6. SEMrush: An SEO tool that includes a markup generator and helps track schema markup performance on a website.
  7. Rank Ranger: Another SEO tool that includes a schema markup generator and helps to track the performance of it on a website.



Example of schema markup

TripAdvisor uses schema markup for their reviews, ratings, and pricing information for hotels, restaurants, and attractions listed on their website. This allows search engines to display rich snippets in search results, such as star ratings and pricing information, which can improve click-through rates and website traffic.


What is schema markup

It is a code added to a website’s HTML to help search engines understand the content and context of the website, which can improve search engine ranking and visibility.

What types of content can schema markup be used for

It can be used for different types of content, such as articles, events, products, reviews, and recipes.

How does schema markup help with SEO

It helps search engines understand the content and context of a website, which can improve search engine ranking, visibility, and click-through rates.

How do I create schema markup for my website

You can create it for your website using tools like Google Structured Data Markup Helper,, or SEO plugins like Yoast.

What are the benefits of using schema markup

The benefits include increased website visibility in search engine results, enhanced search engine ranking and click-through rates, improved user experience, and better targeting of specific audiences.

What are the different types of schema markup

There are many types, including Article schema, Event schema, Product schema, Review schema, and Recipe schema.

Do all search engines support schema markup

Most search engines, including Google, Bing, Yahoo!, and Yandex, support it.

Is schema markup necessary for SEO

While it is not necessary for SEO, it can help improve search engine ranking, visibility, and engagement, which can positively impact a website’s performance.


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