

AdSense is a free-of-charge service from Google for website publishers who want to earn money by displaying ads next to the online content.


Website publishers look for ways to earn money online. They use AdSense to show relevant and engaging ads to the site visitors. Publishers can also customise the looks and feel of ads to match their site. It will leave the user experience unimpacted.

The advertising program was launched by Google in mid 2003. It is a popular advertising program that provides website owners an opportunity to monetise their traffic. Using AdSense, website owners can offer more relatable brand information to visitors and encouraging them to make purchase.

In AdSense, advertisers can run ads in different formats to include text, images, HTML ads, video ads, and much more. Testing different ad formats can help figure out which drives the maximum revenue.

adsense ads

AdSense is a simple way to earn money by displaying ads. It is a free-of-charge activity for the publishers. Google AdSense is made available on desktop, laptop and mobile devices.

Example is the best technical blog in India. The website is popular and has thousands of visitors every month. To monetise the website further, the publisher placed the ad by Avinash Chandra. The ad speaks of how users can supercharge the website’s growth. This is an example of how “” monetizes the website.

Benefits of AdSense

These are the benefits of AdSense:

  • Any website that has relevant information can use Google AdSense. There is no pressure to sell a product.
  • The tool is all about getting clicks on the advertisement.
  • One AdSense account can manage ads on multiple websites.
  • There is no need for the website publisher to know the complicated technical process.
  • It makes the users go beyond web browsing by placing ads on search results and RSS feed.
  • The AdSense is convenient to manage and it does not require time investment at all.
  • The most important benefit of AdSense is that it is free of cost. The account creation and registration process is not complicated at all.

How does it Work?

A website publisher who wants to use AdSense must first create an AdSense account. Then the publishers will have to insert a small code in the website pages and that’s it.

Google will then display the targeted ads on your page that are relevant to the content of your website or based on the search that users conduct.

The website visitors will gradually start clicking those ads and you will be paid for it. AdSense works on a cost-per-click basis. The revenue generated is shared with the advertiser.

The caution of work is to:

  • avoid artificially increasing the number of clicks.
  • Not encourage visitors to click the ad.
  • Do not click your own ads.

If Google finds any suspicious activity on your account, it can suspend your account for fraud.

Ways to improve the performance of ads?

This is how you can improve the performance of your AdSense Ads by following these ad implementation tips:

  • Optimise the site to improve the revenue from AdSense Ads.
  • Follow the ad implementation tips. Try Auto Ads. It is simple. You can concentrate on the content and Auto Ads take care of controlling the number of ads on the pages. You can choose from in-page format, multiplex ads, and try formats which increase the viewability of the ads.
  • Make your ads more viewable by reducing the page length, place ad at the right place that is above the fold, create engaging content, increase page speed, use vertical ad sizes.
  • Update the ad code and change the fixed -sized ads to responsive ad units.
  • Refer to other best practices of ad placement and stick to ad standards.


How is AdSense different from Ad Networks?

AdSense programs differ from Ad Networks in the sense that it delivers ads that are served by Google. In this, if a user clicks on the ads, then Google pays the publisher depending on the type of the ad. AdSense gives a huge source of advertiser demand which implies that your Ad Space has huge demand.

With AdSense, do I have to choose which ads show on my site?

No, Google suggests you ads automatically that are targeted to your content and the audience.

Who decides which ads to show on the website?

In AdSense, there is an automatic auction to select the ads that will appear on the pages. Then the ad that pays the highest will show on the site.

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