100%+ increase in website traffic

Spinach Money achieved a 120% increase in website traffic and a 50% increase in conversion rate since we redesigned and developed their website.


Design and develop a website for Spinach- a new personal finance management brand for increase in brand awareness and revenue generation.


  • Spinach was new in the market
  • Develop a prototype of the website. Outline the process of development.
  • SEO optimise the website content. 
  • Easy to navigate website.
  • Offer a compelling value proposition to the users through website.



Research and Design: We delve into user behaviors, financial needs, and market trends, crafting a design aligned with user preferences. Understanding their goals helps tailor features for intuitive financial tools and content.
Prototype: We create initial website models based on our research, shaping the layout and content. These prototypes undergo refinement based on user feedback, ensuring a user-friendly and engaging interface for financial solutions.
User Testing: We rigorously test prototypes with our target audience, gathering usability, functionality, and design aesthetics feedback. Insights guide us in fine-tuning the website to effectively meet user expectations and needs.
Develop & Launch: We integrate user-approved elements into the website, bringing it to life. With careful development and testing, we ensure a seamless launch, focusing on user experience reliability and achieving our financial empowerment objectives.


120% increased website traffic

Spinach Money saw a 120% increase in website traffic after we created a more informative, engaging, and visually appealing website than their previous one.

Increased conversion rate:

Spinach Money had a 50% increase in conversion rate because we made it easier for users to find the information they needed and to take the desired actions. 

Higher revenue

The website development helped create a more positive perception of the company and its brand, making it easier for potential customers to find and do business with Spinach Money.


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